
Training is something we have only just started but we wish to increase our training courses. We run a beginners course for those who have no or little experience in woodturning. The idea of the course is to give the participants an insight of woodturning.

Our beginners course gives you the basic turning skills as well as building your confidence when working on the lathe, it's designed to get you ready for your woodturning journey.

We start off with a bit of spindle work then move on to the basics of bowl turning, as you can see from the picture the class finish off turning a small bowl.

We hope to increase our training program to a wider variety of subjects as well as opening it up to other clubs and non members. Courses are run by experienced turners who have a good understanding of all aspects of woodturning.

Our courses are well organised with a structured training program which covers Health & Safety, Correct PPE, Tool Safety

Lathe Safety, Tool Control, Blank Mounting, Sanding, Sealing the timber and many other items.


Please keep an eye open for our future training programs, all will be announced on the web site and on our Facebook page.

If you would like to know more about our training or the club please don't hesitate to contact us.